Prof. Attila Tarnok

Affiliation : Editor-in-Chief of Cytometry Part A (Wiley Publ.)

Title of the Talk/Lab :Flow Cytometry Data Publication Guidelines

Attila Tarnok, PhD, is Professor for Immunology and Cytomics at the University Leipzig, Germany. He studied biology and received his Ph.D. in biophysics in 1988 at the University Hamburg. Then he worked at the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Diseases, the Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg and the MRC RPMS, Hammersmith, London. From 1995 to 2016 he directed the research facility for pediatric cardiology at the Heart Center Leipzig GmbH, University Leipzig. Prof. Tarnok is since 2007 Editor-in-Chief of Cytometry Part A (Wiley Publ.) and editorial board member and reviewer of many scientific journals. He authors over 300 publications, is editor of textbooks including ´Cellular Diagnostics´ (Karger publisher) and organizes regular conferences on single-cell analysis. Dr. Tarnok is Past President of the DGFZ, was ISAC council member and is consultant to R&D companies for laboratory diagnostic instruments and reagents. He has expertise in directing clinical and basic research laboratories applying a plethora of cytometry techniques, imaging, and immunology. He has also expertise in performing long-term clinical and cohort studies such as the LIFE study. Dr. Tarnok’s research interests are individualized and predictive medicine based on cellular and molecular laboratory data, and technology development (nanoanalytical methods, high-content flow based cytometry, microscopy, high-throughput technologies).

Since 01.2017 his academic affiliations are (1) Institute for Medical Informatics and Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE) Medical Faculty, University Leipzig, (2) Dept. Therapy Validation, Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig and (3) he is guest professor at the Dept. of Precision Instruments, Tsignhua University Beijing and (4) at the Dept. of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong province, China.In addition, Prof. Tarnok works as ISO 15189 assessor for immunology for national accreditation boards (e.g. Germany, Ireland) and as free consultant.

Lecture: Flow Cytometry Data Publication Guidelines:

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